Saturday, 16 June 2012


What about your project was most successful? Explain.
 The part that I felt was the most successful were the print ads. According to me they looked professional in their composition and eye-catching.

What about your project was least successful?Explain.
I felt that my animated banner wasn't that creative compared to my other work. If my vision provided a better sight then I believe that i could have done a better job in animating the banner.

How did you manage your time during the project?
I did a bit by bit everyday and I also worked at home. So i was able to complete my summative inspite of my constant visits to the hospital.

What would you change about your work?
What I would change is my animated banner. I would definitely  try to make a more complicated composition and integrate different effects to make it eye-catching. If I had more time I would have made a commercial ad instead of the animated banner.

What mark do you believe that you have earned on the project? Explain.
Considering the facts that I have take the initiative to complete all parts of the assignment, I believe that I would have got a pretty decent mark. I think I would have got 85%  plus, as I have a mixture of excellent and okay-looking works. So I believe I have earned a 90% on the assignment.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

H2O Animated ad- Part 3 (2)

Billboard poster- Part 3 (1)


Why I feel my logo looks better




The reasons why I think the ‘after’ logo looks better than before (original) logo:-
-It has a creative and sophisticated composition than the before logo.
-the tag line is more appealing and makes it feel like it was referring to you.
-the different usage of fonts makes it look integrated and together. Makes it feel    like it’s one piece.
-The selection of the particular font also makes it look more professional.
- the arrangement of the letters also creates a flow, representing water
- removing the plus sign and swirly line makes it more eye catching and interesting
 -the letters/numerals are evenly spaced than the before logo
- the caption ‘sea-derived skincare’ gives off a vague meaning. Many questions like, is the product made from water? Does it contain sea salts? What does it mean by sea derived?? And many other questions arise.
- My logo looks more feminine and as the company targets working women, my logo looks more appropriate for the brand.
- The caption of the after logo also looks more feminine and would definitely attract female consumers